Meeds DAO Token (MEEDS) Rallies Over 180% in 24 Hours: What’s Behind the Rise?

Meeds DAO’s MEED Token Surges Almost 200% on Innovative Approach to Worker Recognition

Joseph Alalade
6 min readDec 19, 2023
Meeds DAO—

The Meeds DAO (MEEDS) token, associated with a popular Web3 recognition hub that rewards contributors with tokens for their work, has witnessed a remarkable surge of over 180% in the past 24 hours. This sudden spike has left many, including the platform’s participants and users, wondering what factors contributed to this explosive growth and what the future holds for Meeds DAO and its native token.

Although some people think that the recent rally in the Meeds Token is related to the overall market performance, others believe that it is due to the innovative benefits and offerings of the ecosystem. The platform is effectively changing the way people work by providing a means for users to be acknowledged and rewarded for their contributions to the growth of organizations, regardless of their size or significance.

Introduction to Meeds

It’s no news that the current labor market is rife with issues, such as high transaction costs, misaligned incentives, and a lack of employee autonomy. Web3 and decentralized work platforms like Meeds DAO offer potential solutions to these problems by fostering transparency, fairness, and direct value exchange between contributors and organizations.

Meeds is more than just a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) project; it is a gateway to a fairer, more rewarding, and more transparent work experience. Imagine a workplace where contributions are valued and rewarded objectively, skills are showcased and verified, data and privacy are under the user’s control, and it is possible to work for multiple organizations seamlessly. Organizations can attract and retain talent by offering transparent engagement rewards. These and other benefits are what the Meeds ecosystem offers, and perhaps this growing interest in alternative work models could be driving the value of the MEEDS token.

The Meeds platform enables you to earn tokens (MEED) based on your involvement, abilities, and accomplishments in your chosen “Deeds” — organizations in the WoM (World of Meeds). There will be no more subjective prejudices or concealed compensation formulas. You are free to move between Deeds as you please, allocating your time and effort based on your interests and desired rewards. The WoM offers flexibility and empowers you to choose the work that best suits you.

Deeds in the WoM can set up custom engagement programs and use MEED tokens to incentivize user actions and contributions, leading to a more motivated and engaged workforce.

Moreover, the platform allows users to develop a strong digital work identity through badges and credentials earned in the WoM. Recruiters and potential employers can have faith in your skillset, which has been demonstrated through gamified labor and peer recognition. In addition, the WoM respects your right to self-determination. Your Xeed (virtual persona) gives you the power to choose what information to share and keeps your data secure.

Key features of the Meeds DAO platform

Meeds has begun its quest to revolutionize the way we work by leveraging Web3 and decentralization. It introduces a platform where organizations and individuals can connect and collaborate in a transparent, equitable, and rewarding environment. Here are some of the platform’s groundbreaking features:

  1. Decentralization and Security: Built on blockchain technology, Meeds ensures the transparency, security, and immutability of data. Individuals control their digital identities and work history.
  2. Fair Recognition and Reward: Meeds introduces a unique tokenized engagement system. Users earn Meeds tokens based on their contributions to organizations (Deeds) within the WoM, fostering a meritocratic and rewarding work environment.
  3. Web3-Powered Engagement Tools: The WoM features gamified workspaces, challenges, and customized engagement programs to incentivize participation and motivate individuals.
  4. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Organizations in the WoM are represented as Deeds, which can be owned and managed by DAOs or traditional corporations. This promotes democratic governance and shared responsibility, regardless of the nature of the organization.
  5. Digital Work Identity: Users create Xeeds, their digital work personas within the WoM. Xeeds showcases skills and achievements through badges and credentials and provides a verifiable and tamper-proof work history.
  6. Fair Work Marketplace: Individuals can seamlessly move between Deeds, allocating their skills and engagement based on their preferences and priorities. Transparent engagement data empowers informed choices about work opportunities.

What are the major drivers behind the recent MEED token rally?

One of the key drivers, in my opinion, is the growing interest in alternative, innovative, and rewarding work models. As mentioned earlier, the current labor market is plagued with issues such as high transaction costs, misaligned incentives, and a lack of employee autonomy, and platforms like Meeds DAO are at the forefront of this innovation. They foster transparency, fairness, and direct value exchange between contributors and organizations.

MEED Token Chart —

Unlike traditional reward systems, Meeds DAO leverages blockchain technology to ensure the secure and transparent distribution of rewards. Its gamified engagement platform incentivizes contributions through various mechanisms like points, badges, and Meeds tokens. This innovative approach to employee recognition and engagement appears to resonate with individuals and organizations alike.

In addition, the Meeds DAO team has been busy developing its ecosystem, recently introducing new features like Deeds (NFT-based representations of organizations in the Work Metaverse) and the “mintium” model for distributing Meeds tokens based on engagement. Furthermore, the project’s strong community involvement and ongoing outreach efforts likely contribute to the growing confidence in MEEDS’ long-term potential.

While specific to Meeds DAO, the recent rally also coincides with a broader market performance in the cryptocurrency space. In 2023 alone, the global crypto market capitalization has increased by approximately $800 billion, driving Bitcoin up by more than 153.66% at the time of writing. The correction and positive outlook, in conjunction with a renewed sense of optimism in the industry, the upcoming Bitcoin halving, and the potential approval of a Bitcoin ETF in the United States of America, are driving up the value of various cryptocurrencies and could likely be contributing to the rise of MEEDS.

Closing thoughts: Future outlook

The recent rise in the value of MEEDS may attract more individuals and organizations to the platform, which could lead to broader adoption and network effects. This, in turn, could further enhance the token’s utility and value. Additionally, Meeds DAO is making consistent efforts to integrate with various DeFi protocols and develop functionalities such as staking, lending, borrowing, and more. This will create new use cases for MEEDS and potentially attract DeFi enthusiasts to the ecosystem.

Meeds DAO has a bright future, but it will have challenges to overcome, like competing with well-established players in the recognition and rewards market and efficiently scaling its platform when it expands beyond its current size. The ultimate success of the project will depend on its ability to address these challenges (when they arise) and continuously innovate to stay ahead of the curve.


This glossary provides a basic understanding of the key terms and concepts within the Meeds DAO ecosystem as used in this article. For further details, you can refer to the official documentation and resources of the project.

Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO): A blockchain-based organization governed by its members through voting on proposals. Meeds DAO is the DAO overseeing the Meeds ecosystem.

WoM (World of Meeds): A decentralized work platform built on the Meeds DAO. It aims to revolutionize the work experience by promoting transparency, fair rewards, and user control.

Meeds (MEED): The native token of the Meeds ecosystem, used for rewards, governance, and other purposes.

Deeds: Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) representing organizations or communities within the WoM. They grant access to services, tools, and the ability to mint Meeds.

Engagement: User activity within the WoM, measured through points earned by completing tasks and participating in activities.

Deeds Services: Tools and features offered by Deeds to their members, such as gamified workspaces, communication tools, and reward systems.

Kudos: A form of recognition awarded to users for their contributions within the WoM.

Mintium Model: A unique system for distributing Meeds to Deeds based on their engagement and the overall engagement of the WoM.

Meeds Association DAO: The non-profit organization that governs the Meeds ecosystem and operates the WoM platform.

Builders: Individuals who contribute to the development and maintenance of the WoM and the Meeds ecosystem.

Xeeds: User profiles within the WoM, representing their digital work identity and achievements.

Badges and Credentials: Verifiable proofs of skills and accomplishments earned within the WoM, attached to Xeed profiles.



Joseph Alalade

Web3 content writer and marketer. Empowering Web3 and Crypto project success through unique writing skills. Authenticity, value, success. Let's collaborate.