Maximizing Exposure for Your Web3 Project: Why You Should Publish on Binance Feed

Joseph Alalade
5 min readJun 13, 2023
Maximizing Exposure for Your Web3 Project: Why You Should Publish on Binance Feed
Binance Feed — Image from

Web3 is the future of the internet. It promises to bring transparency, decentralization, and trust to the online world, powered by blockchain technology. As more and more Web3 projects emerge, it becomes increasingly important to find ways to reach the right audience and showcase the value and potential of these projects. Binance Feed has become the right answer, as it offers an excellent solution for this.

Binance Feed allows Web3 founders and creators to publish articles about their projects and gain exposure to a wide audience of crypto enthusiasts and professionals. This article will explore how publishing articles about your Web3 project on Binance Feeds can help you create massive awareness, increase your audience and supporters, and ultimately generate more revenue.

How does Binance Feed work?

Binance Feed is an exciting platform from the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange that offers a range of benefits for Web3 projects and creators looking to increase their exposure and connect with a wider audience.

The platform is not just a platform for publishing articles; it’s also a community of thought leaders, experts, and influencers in the crypto industry, providing an ideal platform for promoting your Web3 project to hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people. By publishing articles about your project on Binance Feed, you can tap into this community and attract potential investors, partners, and users.


There are more than 120 million Binance users around the world according to the data from the official Binance website.

Furthermore, Binance Feed offers an enhanced experience on the web interface, making it easier for users to access and create content on any device. But that’s not all: it now comes with a range of dynamic and interactive tools for community engagement, including polls and emoji animations! Plus, the relatively new “comment” feature encourages engagement between Web3 content creators and users, fostering a vibrant exchange of thoughts, opinions, and ideas.

This comment feature further helps creators receive feedback from users, which can help improve their project and build a community around it. By leveraging the power of Binance’s vast network, Web3 creators can reach a global audience and establish themselves as leaders in the crypto industry.

Why should you publish on Binance Feed?

There are many benefits to posting pieces of content on Binance Feed, but the following are the major reasons why Web3 projects should try it out:

  • Increased Exposure
  • Improved SEO
  • Thought Leadership
  • Networking Opportunities

Increased Exposure

The Binance exchange platform currently has an audience of over 120 million crypto users, traders, investors, enthusiasts, and professionals, and Binance Feed is easily accessible directly from it. By publishing articles about your Web3 project on Binance Feed, you can reach a much larger crowd than you would on your own. This exposure can help you attract potential investors, partners, and users to your project. Additionally, Binance Feed is a trusted source of information in the crypto industry, and publishing articles on the platform can help establish credibility for your project.

Improved SEO

Publishing articles on Binance Feed can also help improve your project’s SEO (search engine optimization). Binance Feed articles are effectively indexed by search engines, and they often rank high in search results for relevant keywords. This can help potential users and investors find your project more easily and learn more about it in depth.

Thought Leadership

You can also establish yourself as a thought leader in the Web3 space by sharing your insights and expertise with a broad audience. This is where the importance of creating industry-standard and “generic” Web3 content beyond your project comes in.

Don’t forget that some will find out about your project in the process of trying to stay up-to-date or learn more about the latest developments in the industry. This can help you build your brand and attract attention from ordinary users to your project.

Networking Opportunities

Binance Feed is also an excellent platform for networking with other Web3 creators, investors, and influencers. By publishing articles there, you can connect with others in the industry and potentially collaborate on future projects or partnerships. Additionally, you can engage with readers who leave comments on your articles, responding to their questions and feedback and easily building a strong and supportive community around your project.

So if you’re looking to promote your Web3 project and connect with a wider audience, be sure to check out Binance Feed. With its large community, powerful SEO capabilities, and interactive features, it’s the perfect platform for taking your Web3 project to the next level.

How to join Binance Feed as a Web3 project

To publish an article on Binance Feed, you need to apply to become a contributor by meeting specific requirements, such as the following;

  1. Having a minimum of 20,000 followers on Twitter or other social platforms
  2. Having a keen understanding of the crypto industry and the ability to discuss crypto-related topics such as trading, crypto markets, GameFi, SocialFi, NFTs, and the metaverse.
  3. Being crypto-related KOLs, influencers, projects, media outlets, and Binance Angels are preferred.
  4. The content must be created in the English language

Fill out the Binance Feed application form to join the platform.

What Next?

Congratulations! You’re eligible to apply for Binance Feed and we’re excited to help you maximize your exposure on the platform. To stand out, you need more than just regular content. You need high-quality, optimized, and carefully-crafted content that will push your project to the top of the list.

One interesting element is that Binance Feed selects specific content as “Featured Content” every week. They suggest these articles to users in order to help them find the most recent, high-quality content. They are picked based on “quality, information, originality, and truthfulness.”

At Staritemedia, we’ve got the expertise to create content that will drive massive exposure for your project and make your articles chosen as “Featured Content” on Binance Feed. Recently, we worked with one of the leading blockchain projects, and one of our pieces of content was “featured” by Binance, generating almost 200k post views in less than 2 weeks.

Maximizing Exposure for Your Web3 Project: Why You Should Publish on Binance Feed
A Screenshot of’s Homepage — Staritemedia

Want to see for yourself? Send us an email or book an initial discovery call to find out why we’re the best-kept secret for creating top-notch content that will take your project to the next level and place you on the front line on Binance Feed. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to significantly grow your #Web3 project—It’s the best time to raise awareness!



Joseph Alalade

Web3 content writer and marketer. Empowering Web3 and Crypto project success through unique writing skills. Authenticity, value, success. Let's collaborate.