Fair Rewards for Fair Work: How Meeds DAO is Redefining Incentives

Joseph Alalade
5 min readJun 25, 2023


In today’s rapidly changing work environment, incentives are essential in motivating employees to be more engaged, productive, and satisfied. To be effective, all employees must perceive incentives as fair and equitable and be effectively communicated to them so that they understand how they can earn them.

Meanwhile, traditional methods of incentivization, such as performance bonuses or annual reviews, have often been insufficient to motivate employees to go above and beyond.

That’s why a groundbreaking project called Meeds DAO is set to revolutionize the way incentives are perceived and implemented in the workplace. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology and decentralized decision-making, the Meeds ecosystem aims to redefine the concept of rewards and recognition, ensuring fair compensation for fair work.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the world of Meeds DAO, exploring its innovative approach to incentivization and how it measures and quantifies work engagement. We will also uncover the problems with the current traditional incentive models and the benefits of utilizing blockchain technology and decentralized decision-making to create a fair and transparent rewards system.

The Problem with Traditional Incentive Models

Traditional incentive models refer to the established approaches organizations and companies use to motivate individuals or teams to achieve specific goals. These models typically involve providing rewards based on predetermined criteria or performance metrics, such as bonuses, promotions, or recognition.

However, traditional incentive models often fail to motivate individuals effectively due to inadequate recognition and rewards for work engagement. These measures typically rely on centralized decision-making and subjective evaluations, which can lead to a biased and unfair distribution of incentives. Additionally, rewards are often tied to hierarchical structures, where top-level employees receive a significant share, while lower-level workers may feel undervalued and unmotivated, no matter the amount of effort put in.

Furthermore, traditional models lack scalability and adaptability. They struggle to accommodate the diverse needs and preferences of people and organizations. The rigid structures and fixed reward systems can lead to disengagement and limit innovation within the workplace.

There are numerous examples of unfairness and inefficiency in traditional incentive systems. For instance, employees who consistently go above and beyond their roles may receive the same rewards as those who merely meet the minimum requirements. This disparity creates a sense of injustice and discourages exceptional performance.

How do we then address these issues? Workplaces certainly need a decentralized, fair, and equitable mechanism that takes the power away from centralized top decision-makers and puts it in the hands of a decentralized network of regular users.

The significance of aligning incentives with an organization’s values and goals cannot be overstated. When employees are rewarded for their efforts in a manner that resonates with the organization’s core principles, it fosters a sense of purpose, motivation, and dedication.

Meeds DAO recognizes this crucial aspect and aims to establish a new paradigm where incentives are intricately linked to an organization’s values and goals.

Introducing Meeds DAO

Meeds DAO

Meeds DAO is a project that aims to revolutionize the way people work by focusing on recognition and rewards. As the first decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) dedicated to workplace engagement, Meeds DAO operates through smart contracts on a blockchain, eliminating the need for a centralized authority. The core principles of Meeds DAO include transparency, fairness, and the use of decentralized technology to create a more rewarding work environment.

The project leverages smart contracts on the Polygon blockchain to implement its incentive mechanisms. By automating the collection of signals within an organization’s digital environment, Meeds DAO can track and tokenize various engagement behaviors. Meanwhile, the use of blockchain technology also enables the direct distribution of rewards to individuals’ wallets, eliminating personal bias and ensuring fair and trustless reward distribution.

Moreover, the tokenized rewards provided by Meeds DAO are tangible and can be redeemed for a variety of perks, including snacks, gift cards, experiences, training, or even donations to support causes. Additionally, contributors have the option to trade their Meeds tokens for other cryptocurrency coins or tokens on exchange platforms.

Meeds DAO ensures fairness in rewarding contributors by valuing individual engagement based on measurable actions and behaviors. By assigning customizable point values to different behaviors, it allows organizations to tailor incentives to their desired outcomes. At the end of a specific period, Meeds determines the proportion of each person’s contributions to the organization, and tokens are distributed proportionately to the number of points accumulated, accurately valuing individual engagement.

Transparency is a key aspect of Meeds DAO’s incentive model. By utilizing blockchain technology, Meeds DAO creates permanent and irrefutable proofs of engagement, recording all transactions on the blockchain. This transparency ensures that recognition and rewards cannot be denied or erased, providing a trustless system for contributors. The direct transfer of rewards into individuals’ wallets also contributes to transparency, as it eliminates the need for intermediaries and ensures that rewards are delivered as close to the activity as possible.

Whether you’re an individual seeking recognition for your contributions or an organization looking to boost employee engagement and productivity, Meeds DAO offers a groundbreaking solution. Embrace the power of blockchain technology, decentralized decision-making, and tokenized rewards. Create your Meeds DAO account, connect your digital environment, and start earning Ɱeeds tokens for your valuable contributions. Together, let’s redefine incentives and shape the future of work.

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Joseph Alalade

Web3 content writer and marketer. Empowering Web3 and Crypto project success through unique writing skills. Authenticity, value, success. Let's collaborate.